What is the difference between web hosting and domain name?

difference between hosting and domain
Hosting and Domain: Today through this article we will tell you what is web hosting and domain and what the difference between these two is

Hosting and Domain: Today through this article we will tell you what is web hosting and domain and what the difference between these two is. Often when people create a website, they are confused about what is domain and what is web hosting. Many times people think of domain as the web hosting and keep on considering web hosting as domain.

There are many such websites on the Internet that provide you hosting service such as godaddy.com, hostinger.com etc. In this article you will know what the difference between web hosting and domain is. To get this information read this article till the end.

What is a domain name?

The domain name is the address of any website, that is, the address of that website. To understand in simple language we can take an example, suppose there is a house then to go to that house you must have its address. In the same way, a website is like a house whose address is a domain name. With the help of this we can access that website. When we open the browser, where we can enter the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the search box, if we enter the domain name, then we can visit the desired website. There are some famous domain names like google.com, flipkart.com, etc.

Each domain name on the Internet is assigned an IP (Internet Protocol) address. So that it can be identified because the full IP address makes it difficult to remember and write. That is why the domain name is used to search, the domain name / domain name has been invented only and only for the convenience of the users.

What is web hosting?

Through web hosting / web hosting, we get a storage space / storage space. Like whenever we have to store any digital files, images, documents, videos on the Internet and with the help of the Internet, it can be available to us anywhere anytime. In such a situation, only web hosting / web hosting provides this facility. If understood in very simple language, then web hosting is a place where we can keep all the necessary photos, videos etc. of our website or blog and whenever we want to open the domain name by searching in the browser, then it is the host of our web hosting. be available on the website. On that website, we can easily see our stored photos, videos, text or any document and can store new material for future also.

What is the difference between domain and hosting?

Above we defined domain and hosting separately. Now we will understand what the main difference between these two is. For example, if the hosting is a house then the domain is the address of that house and all the stuff kept inside that house is the same data files like images, videos etc. Now you must have understood what the difference between domain and hosting is.


There are many such Web Hosting Providers who provide Cheap & Best Hosting. like
1. Hostinger
2. Hostgator
3. Bluehost
4. A2 Hosting
5. Siteground

What are the types of web hosting?

Generally there are four types of web hosting.
1) Shared web hosting
2) VPS (Virtual Private Server)
3) Dedicated hosting
4) Cloud Web Hosting

Can a domain name be used without web hosting?

If you look simply, without web hosting, a domain name cannot be used. Because to give online storage space to your website, you must have a storage server. Nevertheless, some such facilities are available on the Internet, through which you can add your domain name to it using free hosted website platform and use free hosting, for example you can use Google blogger in it.

What is a free hosted blogging platform and a self-hosted blogging platform and what is the difference between the two?

Free hosted blogging platform is a good tool to create website or blog. On this you just have to create an account and by signing in on it you can start creating your website and block and it is absolutely free, some examples of this are blogger.com, wordpress.com etc.

On the other hand, self-hosted blogging platform is a kind of third party hosting company, some examples of this are Bluehost, Hostgator, Hostinger, etc.

What is needed to host a website?

To host the website you must have –
» A domain name
» A web hosting
» A website or blog

What are the things to keep in mind while buying web hosting?

You should keep in mind that whenever you buy any web hosting, keep the following things in mind in particular-

» Hosting’s storage capacity
» Server country / server country
» Bandwidth
» Backup / backup
» Uptime
» Service / service

Domain and hosting renewal

Usually the domain is valid for 1 year only. After 1 year, it has to be renewed again by paying some money. But in many places there is also an option that the domain can be taken for 2 years, 5 years or even 10 years instead of 1 year. On the other hand, web hosting is only for 1 month, to renew it after 1 month, you have to pay a renewal fee. You can also buy it for 1 or 2 years at a time.

Hosting को हिंदी में जानें, Best affordable Hosting और Hosting कितने प्रकार की होती है?

Conclusion– Today through this article we have learned what is web hosting and domain and what the difference between these two is. Apart from this, which are the best web hosting providers in India and how many types of web hosting are there, we also got to know. Along with this, we also learned what is free hosted blogging and self-hosted blogging, what is needed to host a website and how to renew domain and hosting. Hope you liked this article because all the important things related to domain and hosting have been brought to you.

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